
Showing posts from September 4, 2019

The Creative Book!

The Creative B ook is a compilation of life stories written by multiple and intercultural hands. Each woman involved in the project will share some of her life story in order to inspire others with her example.  T he Creative Book will be completed throughout the project, since the beginning till the end, with the participation of all partners and it will pass from one partner to other in transnational events:  Lithuania > Estonia > Poland > Hungary > Portugal 1 stage -   The Creative Book made by Lithuania team: 2 stage - The delivery of The Creative Book to Estonian team: And now we are very curious to see the result of the work of Estonian women... Please share your opinion with us about this work! How important is it to reflect on our life story  and valuing our life experience? What skills can be developed by telling our story through art? Can this activity be a good practice in adult education? Why? ...